Lesson Review - Camera Shots & Camera Angles
Last lesson, I worked in a group to practice using different techniques of taking a photograph in order to have different effects on the viewers based on what we had learn't in class. Firstly, we learn't about shot distances including close-ups, medium shots, long shots and establishing shots (ELS).
One of the shots we tried was a close-up which contains just one characters face. This enables the viewers to understand the actor's emotions. I think we really captured this with our photo as you can see the girls' emotion as she is the main focus.
Next, we attempted to take a medium shot which is supposed to contain characters from the waist up so that you can not only see the emotion of the characters but their interaction with each other too. Unfortunately, we didn't quite get this right because at the time, we didn't realise it was from the waist up so we ended up with more of a long shot instead.
Next, we attempted to take a medium shot which is supposed to contain characters from the waist up so that you can not only see the emotion of the characters but their interaction with each other too. Unfortunately, we didn't quite get this right because at the time, we didn't realise it was from the waist up so we ended up with more of a long shot instead.
A long shot is where you give the viewer a more specific idea of the setting. This will show them the landscape, it could be a building which is important in that film. We did manage to get a good long shot showing this although it could have been taken even further away to show distance even more.
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We also learn't about shot angles and how we can apply them in our work. Our task was to create the image of a bully so my group decided to use a close-up on the bullies hand around the victim's neck with a clear view of her face to really see her facial expressions. We did this using a low angle which would make a character seem more powerful however, this was the wrong angle to use in this situation. It should have in fact been a high angle to show intimidation.
Next time I will apply my knowledge from the mistakes I made to improve my work. One major lesson I learn't was that you can never take a photo vertically in media which I was previously unaware of.
If you take a look at my next blog, you will see some new videos we attempted to take to show the different types of camera shots.
If you take a look at my next blog, you will see some new videos we attempted to take to show the different types of camera shots.